
How do I make a good daily routine?

  • 3 min read

How do I make a good daily routine?

It takes some effort to establish an orderly routine. There’s a lot you must do: determine what has to be done and when you need to do it. Find out how to create a timetable for your daily activities and chores. For a more successful, happier life, those things will help you create good habits and eliminate bad ones. Here are some other tips for you!

Create a List

Illustration of to-do list

First, make a list of everything you have to do each day at work and at home. As this is a brain dump rather than a to-do list, don't stress about how you arrange the items on the list. Write down everything you do each day and all you need to get done in a journal for 30 minutes.

Carry a notebook with you and make notes during the day if it seems too difficult to remember all the tasks at once. No chore is too minor to start with; if you want to incorporate "brush teeth" into your routine, put it on the list.

Divide your day


Circadian rhythm concept with tiny woman. human biological clock to regulate sleep wake and day night cycle. routine, morning to evening changes, planet movement around sun. body natural daily rhythms

Organize your day. While night owls typically experience their creative energy in the evenings, early birds typically do their tasks most efficiently before lunch. Consider your preferred working hours and arrange your chores according to the time of day when you will do them most effectively. 

  • Mornings

  • Getting out the door in the mornings is frequently a challenge. Put all of your preliminary tasks here. Save the mornings for the jobs that need the most problem-solving and critical thought once the morning bustle has passed. Get finished with the task you least want to complete first thing in the morning so it doesn't consume you.

  • Midday

  • This is a challenging period of the day because your energy levels and possibly the caffeine from your morning coffee have diminished. However, this suggests that you might be prepared to perform the menial tasks that don't require much thought. 

    Use this time to complete activities like setting up appointments, responding to emails, and running errands. If you spend your days at home, utilize this time to do regular cleaning, such as emptying the dishwasher and loading it again, or cleaning the restrooms.

  • Evenings

  • Evenings function best when they are reserved for day-ahead planning and preparation. Pack lunches, lay out your clothes, and organize the kitchen and other areas that collect clutter. If you stick to the weekly organizing schedule, you'll spend 15 to 20 minutes a day organizing one area.

    Allow Flexibility


    Happy girl hugging clock flat vector illustration. woman taking care of schedule, planning activities. time management concept for banner, website design or landing web page

    Even the most elaborate protocols are disrupted by life. The idea is to employ your most productive periods for the most difficult activities, and your least productive periods for the simpler ones. 

    A daily schedule will keep things moving smoothly despite obstacles, such as when you need to attend a doctor's appointment during the hours you usually reserve for work or your evening is occupied by a social event.

    Though setting up a daily schedule first appears difficult, you will quickly realize the benefits as your productivity increases, your morning meltdowns decrease, and you discover that you actually have pockets of spare time throughout the day or week. 

    Nothing is set in stone, so if your daily plan initially doesn't function flawlessly, just make a few adjustments until you find the best schedule for your needs!

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